Wednesday, 1 December 2010

The Stupid Act

Today's mark the most stupid act I ever... I not only provoke her anger towards me... and I sense her hatred toward me for eternity...

Today also marked the end of usage of facebook.... both account has been terminated.... permanently... "Kun Faya Kun"... because of this... my relationship ruined completely...

Nowadays, as the technology getting advanced... it too has its price... the cost of my relationship....

I wish I living in Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) era, where lies can be detected easily.... even in making promise...

Nowadays, lies seems to be a habit... we can't sense it... as the people who do it... able to hide 'its' smell...

Ya Allah, just punish me.... I need pain to be away from her... and let her have Your Protection and Happiness...

Too much sadness has accumulated a new syndrome to me... every tears filled with cough... my heart shrink everytime sadness engulf me... every night tears flowing...

I blamed facebook for the end of everything.... Its has its advantages in term of communicating... yet it had its hidden drawbacks....

One fact I read from newspaper... A catholic missionary had banned the usage of facebook to its followers due to many divorce has occur from it...

Astagafirullah... why... why... why... that mark zuckerberg design facebook...

perhaps to make the muslims fighting amongst each other? who knows?

A jews intention to break the bond of muslimin ummah....


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